Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Triple Offset Valves used as Isolation Application

Can Triple Offset Butterfly valve used as isolation application?
Many engineers are not aware Triple Offset Butterfly valve can be used as isolation valve, and it benefit in term of saving in weight, space and most importantly, cost.

Triple Offset Valves in Upstream Applications

Triple offset valves provide an efficient solution for critical and non-critical applications when positive isolation is required in upstream oil and gas operations. Their compact nature offers savings in weight and space and most importantly, cost.
Most onshore and offshore installations traditionally use ball valves and occasionally gate valves for the majority of flow isolation applications. Specifications typically call for 6D valves, but engineers seldom look beyond these specifications to other valve types with similar or better performance.
Many of these engineers are not yet aware that in many offshore isolation applications, a triple offset valve (TOV) offers benefits in terms of weight, overall dimensions and performance versus the standard ball or gate valve. A TOV can be the right choice for applications in the turret of a floating production storage and offloading vessel (FPSO), and in virtually all topside process applications of FPSOs and platforms such as separators, water treatment, gas compression and other systems.
Today’s TOVs, with pressure ratings up to ASME Class 1500 and zero leakage, cover enough applications to achieve significant savings in weight and space, as well as total cost of ownership.

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