Where is Lynas Advanced Material Plant location?
Gebeng, Kuantan, Malaysia
Where is Lynas Rare Earth Mine location?
You can find it by this coordinate (-28.863,122.546) in maps.yahoo.com
The rare earth re-concentrated ore will send to Kuantan, Malaysia to processing. The path is more than 4000 km.
You can zoom out and scroll to left. Then look at the lake water color. Why the color in brown?? by pollution?
Based on K Howell feedback, the brown color is caused by salt and iron, not by pollution.
Here are some others rare earth plant in Australia
1. at Muchea, Australia (-31.531,115.964)
2. at Broken Hill, Australia (-31.99,141.408)
3. at Eneabba, Australia (-29.811,115.294)
4. at Hamilton, Australia (-37.781,141.977)
5. at Bunbury, Australia (-33.351,115.698)
6. at Bunbury, Australia (-33.32,115.653)
7. at Kwinana,Australia (-32.229,115.773)
8. at Geraldton, Australia (-28.817,114.679)
9. at Geraldton, Australia (-28.777,114.594)
10. at Rockingham, Australia (-32.263,115.761)
11. at Capel, Australia (-33.545,115.571)
The World biggest Rare Earth Producer, at Bayan Obo, China (41.791,109.973)
This plant is highly polluted to nearby environment due to poor management.
Molycorp Mountain Pass Rare Earth refinery, USA (35.476,-115.531)
Mt Pass plant was closed in 2002 due to environmental impact by spill radioactive waste water to around. Molycorp plant to re-open the mine.
Indian Rare Earth Limited, India (19.308,84.958)